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Client Agreement


Please read over the following client agreement. Payment of invoice is acknowledgment of this agreement and it's Terms and Conditions.




You agree to follow safe sleep practices in line with Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) recommendations, and that your child, if younger than 30 months, will be sleeping in a crib throughout the implementation of the Customized Sleep Plan during our time together.


You acknowledge that I will provide you with a Customized Sleep Plan that is as respectful as possible and allows you to stay with your child if preferred. Still, that crying can not be prevented if your child's emotional response to a change in his/her sleep process is to cry. I will provide you with options to soothe, comfort, reassure and support your child, but please understand that crying is a symptom of frustration, confusion, and often fatigue and, as such, may not be prevented. 


Services Are Not Medical Advice


The advice you receive from me is for informational purposes only and is intended for use with common early childhood sleep issues that are wholly unrelated to medical conditions. My advice is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health practitioner regarding any matters that may require medical attention or diagnosis, and before following the advice and using the techniques described in The Sleep Sense Program. Reliance on any information provided by Lynn Hendriks / The Sleep Avenue is solely at your own risk.


Exclusion/Limitation of Liability


Lynn Hendriks / The Sleep Avenue does not make any representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding consulting services provided. Lynn Hendriks / The Sleep Avenue’s liability (if any) is limited to the consulting fee paid by you to Lynn Hendriks / The Sleep Avenue, and in no event Lynn Hendriks / The Sleep Avenue be liable to you for any other claim, losses or damages.


Packages and Follow-up Support


Newborn Package


Step 1: I will create your Healthy Sleep Foundations Plan.


Step 2: We meet for a 75-minute Sleep Consultation for an in-depth review of Healthy Sleep Foundations Plan. The Healthy Sleep Foundations Plan will be sent to you via email prior to the consultation.


Step 3: Personalized 1-on-1 Support: Newborn Package. Your package comes with four 15-minute follow up calls and weekly e-mail support during our time together, so until your baby is 12 weeks old.


  • Follow up calls are to be utilized until your baby is 12 weeks old.
  • Follow up will be 15 minutes long – please have a sleep log, questions/notes on hand.

  • Dates and times will be mutually agreed upon ahead of time via The Sleep Avenue’s online calendar/or in person.

  • If it needs to be rescheduled, notify via email, phone, or the Rested app as soon as possible.  

  • If the call is missed, you may call back within 15 minutes. After this time, the call is forfeited.

  • For the weekly e-mail support until your baby is 12 weeks old, I guarantee a response within one business day.


Baby and Toddler Packages


Your Customized Sleep Plan is intended specifically for your child based on the answers provided in the questionnaire. It should not be shared with a third party as a sleep plan for another child. Any changes you make to your baby’s sleeping or eating arrangements are your decision. Lynn Hendriks / The Sleep Avenue is only making recommendations for the best positive changes.


Step 1: Comprehensive Sleep Questionnaire: You will complete the Comprehensive Sleep Questionnaire. I will create your Customized Sleep Plan based on the information you provide in the questionnaire.


Step 2: We meet for a 75-minute Sleep Consultation for an in-depth review of your Customized Sleep Plan. The Sleep Plan will be sent to you via email prior to the consultation.


Step 3: Personalized 1:1 Support:


Baby Basic Package. Your package comes with two 15-minute follow up calls during our two weeks together.

Baby Premium Package. Your package comes with three 15-minute follow up calls and unlimited messaging via the Rested app during our two weeks together.

Toddler Basic Package. Your package comes with three 15-minute follow up calls during our three weeks together.

Toddler Premium Package. Your package comes with four 15-minute follow up calls during our three weeks together.


  • Follow up calls are to be utilized during the two or three weeks of support.
  • Follow up calls will be 15 minutes long – please have a sleep log, questions/notes on hand.
  • ​Dates and times will be mutually agreed upon ahead of time via my online calendar/or in person.
  • If it needs to be rescheduled, notify via email, phone, or the Rested app as soon as possible.  

  • If the call is missed, you may call back within 15 minutes. After this time, the call is forfeited.


Step 4: Sleep Log: You will be supplied with a Sleep Log via the Rested app, which is to be filled in daily. This log is used to track changes in your child’s sleep habits and patterns. I will personally check the log daily in the morning, please feel free to leave any comments or questions within the log. Completing the log daily will ensure that I have all the details to give you the best possible advice.


Step 5: Unlimited messaging via the Rested app:


Baby Premium Package. Feel free to message me your questions and comments in the Rested app. I will personally check the chat on the Rested app every day and get back to you once daily in the afternoon (except on Sundays and public holidays in Luxembourg). 

Toddler Premium Package. Feel free to message me your questions and comments in the Rested app. I will personally check the chat on the Rested app every day and get back to you once daily in the afternoon (except on Sundays and public holidays in Luxembourg). 


Your Commitment For a Good Collaboration


  • Be open and honest. I can’t help if I don’t know about something.

  • Use your time well. Your package allows us adequate time to make noticeable improvements in your child’s sleep, but only if you communicate regularly and to the best of your ability.

  • Stay Put. Look at your calendar and find a time when you have at least two or three weeks of “normal” depending on the package you chose – for example no trips, weddings, appointments, workmen hammering all day in your house, etc.

  • Commit to the plan. Have faith that what we’ve agreed upon will work and stick to it long enough to see the result. (If you don't follow all of the plan, you can't expect to achieve full results).

  • Attitude. I will under no circumstances tolerate a negative attitude. This does not mean you aren’t allowed to be human (we all have bad days), but it does mean you are responsible for your own “checks and balances”. Keep things positive, remember your “why,” and focus on your purpose: Your family's health and wellness.

  • Honesty. I will never judge you as a client for any slip-ups, mistakes, or poor decisions. Again, we are all humans. However, I need you to be as transparent as possible so I can track all details. There is no sense in me spending the time and effort creating a plan for you if you aren’t going to follow it or to have me trying to figure out what’s not working if the truth is you just haven’t been consistent.

  • Ask lots of questions. I can’t throw everything I know at you in one consultation. Ask questions as they come up throughout the process.

  • Keep me in the game. Silence is hard on a coach. I will assume no news is good; if things aren’t going well, check in early with an email or message so I can help! 


My Commitment For a Good Collaboration


  • To put your child first. Our entire plan will be created to benefit of your child. I will l never ask you to do anything you aren’t comfortable with doing, however I will ask you to make changes and I will educate you on how your decisions and actions impact your child’s sleep. 

  • Options. Please understand that I can provide you with a plan with multiple options, but if you don’t want to do any of the steps required to initiate change, a refund will not be offered, as I have indeed provided you with my time and expert knowledge as promised. 

  • To be available to you for our appointments. I avoid rescheduling our calls because I know what it’s like to be anxious for support. In return, I hope that my clients will stick to our arrangements as well out of respect of the other families that I work with.

  • To be patient. I know you’re sleep deprived and you’re doing the best you can. I don’t judge any of your decisions up to this point, and I respect you for investing in your child’s sleep health.

  • To support you the best I can. Implementing change is hard! I’m here if you need to vent, cry, or talk.

  • To abide by the follow-up guidelines that I’ve provided to you. We will mutually schedule our phone calls and I will reply to your emails within 24 hours during the business week (see follow-up guidelines above).




You understand and acknowledge that Lynn Hendriks / The Sleep Avenue does not offer a guarantee or refunds for any reason including, but not limited to, unused support time or dissatisfaction. While Lynn Hendriks is fully confident that the science behind the plan will be effective, she cannot be aware of or account for inconsistent implementation of the plan or other factors that may impact results such as illness, travel, developmental milestones or life transitions.


Payment and Cancellations


You understand and acknowledge that cancellations less than 72 hours prior to the scheduled 1:1 Consultation date will only be refunded 50% of the fee, and that no refunds will be given once a Personalized Sleep Plan has been created and the 1:1 Consultation has taken place.


Once the 1:1 Consultation has taken place, you will have two weeks to start implementing the Customized Sleep Plan and make use of the Personalized 1:1 Support and Sleep Log. If you decide not to start implementing the Customized Sleep Plan within those two weeks, your file will be closed and your Personalized 1:1 Support and Sleep Log will be forfeited.


Shall you stop responding via the Sleep Log and/or Personalized 1:1 Support, your file will be closed at the end of our scheduled time together.




Lynn Hendriks / The Sleep Avenue will maintain the strictest confidence with respect to your family’s information. You will not share the proprietary information we provide you with anyone. Lynn Hendriks / The Sleep Avenue is more than happy to sign a reasonable NDA if you wish.




You may print a copy of the documents provided to you for your personal use. Beyond this, no portion of these documents should be reproduced, shared, or transmitted in any form or by any means including photocopying, scanning, emailing, recording, or otherwise without permission from Lynn Hendriks / The Sleep Avenue.

© 2023 The Sleep Avenue. All Rights Reserved


Sharing your sleep plan with a friend, relative or via social media is not permitted will be in violation of this agreement.


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